School abuse claims

Making a school abuse claim

We can help you make a school abuse claim on a No Win, No Fee basis. Contact our confidential helpline for a free case assessment. Call 0333 888 0445 for a chat or send an email to us at [email protected]

We specialise in dealing with school abuse claims and one of our teacher abuse cases has been shortlisted for the ‘Outstanding Case of the Year‘ award.

We have recovered significant sums of compensation from schools and educational institutions throughout England and Wales, in both the state and private school sectors.

While schools should be a safe environment for children and young adults to learn and develop, they are not always fully safeguarded. This allows predatory adults to take advantage of positions of trust and target vulnerable individuals.

The effects of abuse, particularly at a tender age can be highly traumatic and cause long lasting harm. We will investigate your case and make sure that you are fully compensated for the impact it has had on your life. This includes not only your physical and psychological injuries, but also the effect it has had on your educational attainment and subsequent earnings.

Many instances of school abuse result in criminal investigations being undertaken. But while a conviction in the criminal courts can be helpful to a civil claim for compensation, you can still bring a claim even if the police were not involved.

Many of our successes have involved cases of historic school abuse. While strict time limits normally apply, the rules are relaxed for abuse claims, so it is never too late to come forward.

There are lots of success stories published on this website, including the case that has been shortlisted for the national award, where we recovered over £250,000 in compensation for abuse suffered while our client was at primary school, which you can read here.

You can read another real-life case study of teacher abuse here.

We are able to work on a no win, no fee basis. This means that you do not need to worry about funding legal costs upfront or be left facing a legal bill if you lose your case.

So, if you have experienced sexual abuse by a teacher, lecturer, staff member or another pupil in school, college or university, contact us in confidence for free guidance on making a school abuse claim.

Just call 0333 888 0445 for an informal chat or send an email to us at [email protected]



School abuse claims