Abuse by therapists and counsellors

Abuse by a therapist or a counsellor, and the dangers posed by the lack of regulation in the UK.

Contact our independently recommended abuse lawyers for a free consultation about seeking compensation for abuse by a therapist or a counsellor on a No Win, No Fee basis.

In recent years, a growing number of cases have highlighted the alarming risks posed by therapists and counsellors in the UK, especially those who are unregulated or unqualified. High-profile incidents, such as the case of Michael Lousada—a therapist who exploited his position to sexually abuse a vulnerable patient—demonstrate how easily individuals can misuse therapeutic settings to cause harm. Lousada’s victim, Ella Janneh, bravely pursued a civil claim after the Crown Prosecution Service declined to prosecute, ultimately securing a substantial compensation award.

In another case, Hongchi Xiao, an alternative healer, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the manslaughter of a diabetic woman at his unregulated ‘slapping therapy’ workshop.

These incidents reveal a disturbing reality that in the UK, anyone can label themselves a therapist or counsellor without holding formal qualifications or being subject to statutory regulation.

While organisations like the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), and the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) offer voluntary regulation, membership is not mandatory. This fragmented system creates confusion for the public and leaves people vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous individuals. Even when practitioners are struck off these voluntary registers for serious misconduct, there is no legal barrier preventing them from continuing to practice.

Despite repeated calls to introduce regulation, the therapeutic sector remains a ‘wild west frontier’. The lack of mandatory background checks and standardised training makes it difficult for patients to distinguish qualified professionals from unqualified practitioners.

Cases involving coercive behaviour, pseudoscientific treatments, and unethical practices highlight the urgent need for comprehensive reform.

Our lawyers recognise the devastating impact that abuse by a therapist or a counsellor can have on victims. Our award-winning abuse compensation team, led by experts like Elizabeth Duncan and Carly Sylvester, has extensive experience handling sensitive and complex cases. We have successfully secured significant compensation for our clients through civil claims and Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) awards, offering victims the financial support they need to rebuild their lives.

Elizabeth Duncan is renowned for her work in patient safety and safeguarding vulnerable individuals, while Carly Sylvester has been recognised for her outstanding advocacy, having been Highly Commended in the DASLS Rising Star category and named Young Achiever of the Year at the Personal Injury Awards. Their combined expertise ensures that survivors receive empathetic and expert legal representation.

You can contact our specialist lawyers for a free consultation about seeking compensation for abuse by a therapist or a counsellor on a No Win, No Fee basis.

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You deserve to feel safe, respected, and heard, so do not hesitate to reach out to our team for assistance and support. We’re here to help. Call 0333 888 0445 or send an email to us in confidence at [email protected].

Abuse by therapists and counsellors